Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fire Update

Hubby is on his way home and called to tell me that the fires have gotten so bad it's snowing ash!
Please pray for everyone who is being affected by these fires. Thank you!

Discovering New Passions...

Well, we have had an interesting week! Due to fires in the surrounding area the children have not been able to play outside for almost a week. The smoke is so thick we haven't seen the sky either. My poor little boy is having outdoor withdrawal! I have to deadbolt all the doors to keep him from sneaking outside!
Hence, he has discovered a new passion:


We're still working on the whole cleanup after you cook thing :P

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Well, we have had a very busy month! Hubby's best friend from high school and college came from out of state to visit. We also attended our first homeschool convention! (Hubby hates to shop and spent most of his time on the playground with other fathers and the children.) His response upon entering the convention: "I didn't know it was going to be a book fair!" For some reason, I don't think he will be attending the state homeschool convention! :)
We were able to get a desktop computer for our 5 yr old daughter from the convention for only $30! What a blessing! Hubby had been trying for months to build her a computer, but we were missing one part, which turned to be very difficult to locate (we couldn't even find it on eBay!)
So finding this computer was really a blessing. All the computer needs is speakers. So Hubby now has his computer back and free of children's games. :)
We also made new friends who directed us to a wonderful family integrated church. We love it! Everyone stays together for Sunday school and the worship service. We had been looking a long time for a church. We had only two requirements : 1. It had to be family integrated. and 2. God's whole word had to be preached, not just the comfortable parts. We want to be fed!
I jokingly told Hubby that if we couldn't find one soon, we were either going to have to move out of state to Tennessee and join the Pearl's church or start a home church. lol
Well, that is enough for tonight. Hubby and I are going to watch a movie since he is off tomorrow. I'll continue updating over the next week: master schedule, sewing/other domestic arts and chickens! Stay tuned!