Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Gift

Sometimes in life, things do not go according to our plans. And we fight that. We fight the change and we whine and ask God "Why?". But the thing we forget and should remember, is that HIS plans are always better than ours. HE in omnipotent. HIS plans are the best for us and for HIS glory.

I am learning to live this minute by minute. My 7 year old son was recently diagnosed with Autisic Disorder, Developmental Coordination Disorder and Sensory Integration Disorder.


What parent wants to hear that diagnosis? Their child will never be "normal". Live will never be "normal". Instead of school, play dates, field trips and  family vacations, life revolves around doctor appointments and multiple therapies. Everyone in the family must adjust.

And that is a good thing.

My neurotypical children are learning to be more like our Savior - less self-focused. Learning to put the needs of another above their own desires. God is refining and purifying me. In order to help my son, I am having to be a decidedly more disciplined person, more organized. And my son? He is learning that to function in a world that is not accommodating to his conditions, he must be flexible. Like clay in the potter's hand.

How can anything that molds us to HIS likeness be bad?
That is why I view this diagnosis as a gift.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful reminder that it is His plan and not ours! Through this the Lord is using you and your family to reflect His goodness an mercy. We love you all and are praying for you!
In His Love,

Elizabeth said...

Thank you Jamie. :)